Our Services
Acupuncture is an excellent and well tolerated therapy both in its own right and as an addition to other physiotherapy modalities in the treatment of impaired mobility and pain control issues
The canine underwater treadmill provides a weight reduced environment for exercise and rehabilitation
Visit Us
Our clinic is located on Vancouver Island in Chemainus - about 15 minutes north of Duncan and 45 minutes south of Nanaimo. We are the “Little Yellow House” on Chemainus Road approximately halfway between the round-about at the bottom of Henry Road and the Chemainus Theatre. We have ample free parking in our dedicated parking lot adjacent to the clinic and a fully fenced exercise yard to the rear of the building
Information for New Clients
PAWS Rehab requires a referral from your primary veterinarian. We are also very busy and we may have to put you on a waiting list. For more information, get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help you out